Christmas Gift Collections

We are collecting unwrapped gifts for needy children in Leesburg. Please drop off your items to the Post (collection bin under the table as you enter) no later than Dec. 14. Cash is also welcome. We are working with Leesburg Elementary School. If you prefer to adopt a particular child, please look on our board in the hallway by the bathroom for children’s wish lists.

Purse Auction

Our Purse Auction will be held Nov. 6. If you haven’t been to one in the past, don’t miss it!

Donated purses are stuffed with surprises – jewelry, gift cards, passes to local businesses such as rounds of golf, even cash. Items are placed in the purses in plain envelopes so even the organizers don’t know what a specific purse contains! Everyone who wins a purse is guaranteed to be a winner, as are all of our charities. Proceeds will be divided among our charities.

The entertainer that night is Randy Stanley. The format is that we will auction off purses between Randy’s sets. Great deals all afternoon long.

Members, be sure to bring a guest – or two or three – to the auction!

In the meantime, we are asking members who can assist in collecting donations from Leesburg area businesses to please do so. A letter is available at the post with all the information a potential donor needs. No donation is too small – or too big!

Lunch Specials

Served Monday – Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Gary, the kitchen manager, is offering new weekday lunch specials, in addition to the regular lunch menu. Specials will be announced Sunday, please check back. We’ll update this post as soon as possible.

There will also be new specials at the Friday night fish fry.

Thank you

The bake sale on Sunday was a huge success! Thank you to all who purchased goodies and those who donated to support the Leesburg Food Bank. Thanks to your generosity we raised about $200 (final tally will be available this week)! And thank you to all our talented bakers. We had a great variety of delicious treats.

Meetings at the Post

First Monday of the month

4 p.m.: Auxiliary E-Board meeting

4:30 p.m.: Auxiliary Members meeting

6 p.m.: AmVets planning Meeting

7 p.m.: AmVets Members Meeting

Last Monday of the Month

5 p.m.: AmVets E-Board meeting

Third Sunday of the Month

1 p.m.: Sons Meeting

Upcoming Events

The chairwomen for our upcoming events are listed below. Events with no names next to them indicate we need a volunteer. Please see an officer if you can help out.

  • Aug. 21 Dinner – Theresa Walton – Salisbury steak, pototoes, vegetable
  • Aug. 30 – Brenda Moreland – Chicken pot pie dinner
  • Sept. 4 Dinner – Sue McLaughlin
  • Sept. 12 Bake Sale – Claudia Thompson
  • Sept. 18 Dinner – Claudia Thompson
  • Sept. 27 Dinner – MaryAnn Jarboe
  • Oct. 2 Dinner – Judy Cassidy
  • Oct. 10 Bake Sale –
  • Oct. 16 Dinner –
  • Oct. 25 Dinner –
  • Nov. 6 Purse Auction – Judy Cassidy is the Chair. We need members to assist with collecting donations like gift cards or items to be included in the purses. The money raised from this event will be distributed among our charities.