Ways to help

Attendance – Ladies, just attending an event makes a difference. Buy a baked good at the bake sale, enjoy a dinner at the post or try your luck at Show the Money. The more people who attend our events, the more money we raise for our charities!

Host/Chairwoman – If you host an event, you decide which AmVets Auxiliary you’d like to support. Hosting is easy, and you can recruit as much help as you need. You DO NOT need to be an officer to host an event. Every member is encouraged to step up and volunteer at least once.

Volunteer – Let us know if you’d like to help out during any of our events. See an officer or the host/chairwoman of the event.

Questions – Ask any officer or the host/chairwoman of the event


Purse Auction

Nov. 6, 3-7 p.m. Bid often, bid high! All proceeds will be divided among our 5 charitable divisions – Hospital, Americanism, Community Service, Child Welfare and Scholarhip Fund.

Thanksgiving Baskets

Please consider a donation of nonperishable goods. We are hoping to make 15 baskets for needed families this years. If you’d prefer, cash donations are also welcome, see Sandra King or Michele Hale. We have the opportunity to purchase 15 frozen turkeys for about $300. Our donation bin is at the Post. Donations need to be in by Nov. 19.

Christmas Gifts

We will be collecting unwrapped gifts at the Post, or a $10 cash donation. Items will be delivered to Leesburg Elementary School by Dec. 14. We will be posting a wish list from children. You are welcome to buy gifts for a specific child or donate any item. Please watch our Bulletin Board for more information

Christmas Party

The Auxiliary will host a party to thank all of our donors for their support. Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 18. The AmVets will supply the meat, and we are asking people who can to bring a dish to share.


  • BAKE SALES, 2- 6 p.m. the second Sunday of the month. If you aren’t hosting, please donate a baked good. Just drop off your items at the Post on the day of the bake sale.
    • Dec. 12 – Volunteer needed
    • Jan. 9 – Volunteer needed
    • Feb. 13 – Volunteer needed
  • SATURDAY DINNERS, 5-7 p.m. the first and third Saturdays of the month
    • Dec. 4 – Volunteer needed
    • Dec. 18 – Volunteer needed
    • Jan. 1 – Sandra King – Black Eyed Peas & Cornbread (subject to change)
  • MONDAY DINNERS, 5-7 p.m. the last Monday of the month for the AmVets planning meeting
    • Nov. 29 – Eddie Mae
    • Dec. 27 – Claudia Thompson
    • Second and Fourth Thursdays of the month
    • $20 per hand to play
    • Cash prizes
    • Building jackpot
    • Never played? Don’t worry – it’s very easy. Select a set of three cards from the front table. If the caller calls your three cards, yell “Show Me the Money” and win cash!
    • Food available to purchase